I have included in my post title the typo in the graphic above (top left) because pronouncing the word that way, Aargh-riculture, seems so appropriate, given that the global food system accounts for about half of all global-harming greenhouse gases, and that so much of its end-products are highly processed "food-like substances" that are not healthy to consume. I contrast "aargh-riculture" with plain old farming, providing locally-grown and healthy real food.
Currently the US portion of global aargh-riculture is in trouble, with so much of the US midwest under water that only half of the total US crop acreage has been planted. And it is too late for most of those crops to mature before first frost if planted now. There's a recent article on this issue I recommend – especially because it points out "the distinction between commodity grain crops versus actual human food crops. For example, worldwide ony 55% of crops are directly consumed by humans. The rest of the crops are devoted to production of animal feed, food additives and ethanol." And the article makes a good case for locally-grown real food. See "What to do about predictions of imminent food collapse."
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